2022 Expressions of Interest: Female Pathways Staffing Opportunities
The North Sydney Bears are looking for highly skilled, dedicated, and passionate people to join their Female Pathway Programs (Junior Reps) in 2022. With the launch of two new programs, Tarsha Gale and Lisa Fiaola Cup, we are looking to expand our coaching, training and management staff.
Qualifications Required:
Head Coaches – NRL Senior Club Coach accreditation
Assistant Coaches – Minimum NRL International Games Coach or NRL Community Coach
Team Manager – no accreditation required
S & C Coaches – Level 1 ASCA Strength & Conditioning Coach accreditation
Orange Shirt – NRL Level 2 Sports Trainer (plus CPR Training (HLTAID001), Provide Emergency Care for a Suspected Spinal Injury (PUAEME004A), Provide Advanced Resuscitation (HLTAID007), NRL Elite Head Injury and Concussion Protocols eLearning Module (provided by the NRL) – all to be up to date/valid by commencement of pre-season)
Blue Shirt – NRL Level 1 Sports Trainer (plus CPR Training (HLTAID001)
Yellow Shirt – NRL Level 1 Sports Trainer (plus CPR Training (HLTAID001), Provide Emergency Care for a Suspected Spinal Injury (PUAEME004A), NRL Elite Head Injury and Concussion Protocols eLearning Module (provided by the NRL) – all to be up to date/valid by commencement of pre-season)
Please apply via the below form.